Thursday, June 21, 2007

AJL 2007 Convention was HOT!

Literally - it was well over 100 degrees every day in sunny Phoenix!

I had a great time at my very first AJL convention, and I am even more excited about having the convention here in Cleveland next June. If you did not make it to Phoenix and you would like to experience the convention virtually, click here and read all about the convention. People were blogging live during the convention, and in addition, some people were also calling in "phonecasts" so you can hear their comments online. Andi Davidson, Jean Lettofsky, and I called in a phonecast on Tuesday night. To hear it, click on the link above, go to Phonecasts in the sidebar, click on "posts" and open up the first one that is dated June 19, 2007. Make sure your speakers are on!

To promote the Cleveland convention, we had luggage tags made with the 2008 Convention logo. Each attendee received a luggage tag in his/her convention bag. In addition, a Conference Announcement and Call for Papers was printed on the back cover of each convention program. We have already received one proposal for a program for next year!

I gave a brief presentation promoting Cleveland during the lunch on Tuesday. If I can figure out how to post a Powerpoint presentation with my comments, I will post it here on the blog.

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